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University of Caloocan City

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Dr. Ramona A. Prado image

Dr. Ramona A. Prado

Dean, College of Education


College of Education image


A quality teacher education institution in a perpetual quest of producing teachers and school leaders imbued with character and intellect guided by a strong sense of integrity, excellence, ecological consciousness, and community service.


To develop future educators and school leaders that will:

  1. Deliver exemplary instruction and leadership in the field of education;
  2. Exhibit resiliency and competitiveness in any learning environment;
  3. Engage in scholarly researches that support sustainable development; and
  4. Promote environmental and community-driven services for the general welfare.


  1. Provide students with the pedagogical strategies, knowledge, and skills necessary to deliver high-quality instruction in different educational environments.
  2. Progress adaptability and resilience among students to enable them to flourish in dynamic and challenging learning environments.
  3. Develop analytical and critical thinking abilities essential for a successful conduct of research that addresses current educational challenges.
  4. Encourage students to participate in community-driven initiatives and services by instilling a sense of responsibility


Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English

VISION        The BSE-English department embraces its mission to prepare the learners to become competent English Educators and committed professionals who are equipped with necessary knowledge, skills and values to be productive and responsible citizens of the glocal community.MISSION         ...

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Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English - Chinese

VISION        The BSE-English department embraces its mission to prepare the learners to become competent English Educators and committed professionals who are equipped with necessary knowledge, skills and values to be productive and responsible citizens of the glocal community.MISSION         ...

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Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Science

MISSION To provide high-quality scientific instruction with focus on hands-on learning and problem solving, serve the communities of our country, locality, and university, and advance knowledge of how living organisms interact with the environment through research. Additionally, to promote understanding of the physical world through educational outreach activities for students of all ages. ...

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Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Technology and Livelihood Education

VISIONThe Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education envisions itself becoming producers of well-equipped, internationally competitive, and dynamic educators and educational leaders, permeated with 21st century knowledge and skills driven by a deep sense of character, nationalism, uprightness, and environmental consciousness.MISSION ...

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Bachelor of Early Childhood Education

VISION        The Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Course that provides quality higher education to the pre-service teachers through proper training, output-oriented tasks, and competent faculty and administrative workforces dedicated to producing globally competitive professionals with a sense of national responsibility. ...

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Certificate in Professional Education


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Elementary | Secondary | P.E.


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